
Team News: Wenger on Coquelin, Wilshere, Welbeck & Rosicky

By on September 25, 2015


It’s been another busy day of team and injury news at Arsenal HQ so I’ll bring you a round-up of all the latest news.

Arsene Wenger conducted his pre match press conference on Friday morning and he gave Arsenal.com an update on the squad’s health.

He started off by confirming we have no new injury concerns, which is obviously positive news, before discussing Gabriel and his impending FA improper conduct charge.

Since the press conference, we have since found out that the Brazilian has been slapped with a one-match ban so will miss the game tomorrow.

Arsene also confirmed that Francis Coquelin will miss the trip to Leicester due to his knee injury. The midfielder is likely to miss the Olympiakos game in midweek too but could return to face Man Utd next weekend.

With Coquelin out, we have a hole to fill in midfield and Mathieu Flamini may have played his way into the side after his heroics against Spurs, but I’d prefer to see Aaron Ramsey alongside Santi Cazorla – who returns from his ban.

The boss also gave an update on Jack Wilshere and confirmed his surgery was a success, while Danny Welbeck and Tomas Rosicky are said to be progressing well in their recoveries from knee injuries. None are likely to play again until Christmas time.

So the squad is in reasonable shape heading into the Leicester game, hopefully we can end their unbeaten run and leapfrog them into the top four tomorrow.

Here is what Arsene told the clubs website:

on team news…

After Tuesday night we have no new injuries. We have an uncertainty about Gabriel as his case will come forward today and we will find out if he is suspended or not and overall that is the news we have.

on Coquelin…

He is progressing well, but he will not be available for Leicester. He has a scan today but the evolution is quite positive. He might start practice tomorrow. He has a little chance for Tuesday, and a bigger chance for Man United. It is very difficult to be definite today.

on Wilshere, Welbeck and Rosicky…

They are all doing well. Jack just had surgery so at the moment he cannot do anything. Danny is doing well, Tomas Rosicky as well.

on Wilshere’s operation…

It was very successful and touch wood hopefully all goes well now.

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