
[Video] BBC journo offers update on whether Arsenal will sign any more players

By on August 30, 2017

alex-oxlade-chamberlain arsenal

The oracle himself David Ornstein has sensationally claimed Arsenal have NO MONEY available for significant purchases despite just agreeing to sell Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain to Liverpool.

News broke earlier this evening that we’ve agreed to sell The Ox to Liverpool in a £40m deal after he rejected the chance to join Premier League champions Chelsea.

Like many fans, I wasn’t too upset about Oxlade-Chamberlain leaving as £40m is excellent business for a player in the final year of his contract who hasn’t progressed during his time at the club.

However, I was fully expecting Arsene Wenger to use the £40m fee and add it to the ‘warchest’ we’ve been told about all summer to bring in a top class player who would improve the first team.

However, BBC journalist Ornstein has sensationally claimed that Arsenal have no money available for any significant new signings even after banking £40m for Oxlade-Chamberlain.

Ornstein says we won’t bring in a replacement for the England international and the only way Alexis Sanchez will join Man City is if we get a huge fee and secure a replacement.

The BBC journo – who is widely considered to be the mouthpiece of Arsenal FC – claims that Wenger’s initial transfer budget was eaten up by the signings of Lacazette and Kolasinac.

Lacazette cost an initial £46m but while Kolasinac was free, we have to take in to consideration their associated wages as that eats away at our transfer kitty so apparently there’s no money left.

Watch the video for yourselves below:

This makes absolutely no sense. We were told by Wenger, the board and every reliable journalist that this was the summer of change at Arsenal where we would see significant investment in the squad.

Transfer ‘warchests’ of anywhere between £50m to £150m were spouted in the papers and we’ve seen reports suggesting we’ve bid £100m for Mbappe and £40m for Lemar so it looked like we meant business this summer.

However, with only two new signings secured, when taking Chamberlain’s sale in to consideration, we’re on course to making over £20m in profit from our summer transfer dealings.

It’s an insult to the fans for the club to brief journalists like Ornstein that we have no more money available when we all know that’s TOTAL BULLSHIT.

Something is clearly going on behind the scenes at the club right now and I’ve read rumours that Kronke must have frozen the available funds as he wants the club to be cash-rich so he can leverage the money to use for other business ventures.

I’ve no idea how accurate that is but something is going on and I’d be interested to know what role Wenger is playing in all of this. He seemed to be under the impression that he had money for big names this summer and he’s openly talked about his pursuits of Mbappe and Lemar. How was he ever going to buy them if we have no money?

Has Kronke really performed a u-turn and pulled the transfer money off the table? If so, surely no self-respecting manager would work under these conditions? We all know Wenger is the one who’s going to get it in the neck from the fans and media, so why doesn’t he speak out?

It’s certainly going to be an interesting 24 hours but it looks like we’re going to end up signing nobody on deadline day and turning a nice profit in the market…..