  • Is Fabregas the new Bergkamp?

    Watching the Dennis Bergkamp LEGEND DVD for the 234th time the other day, I began thinking about which of our current players most resembled the greatest player in the club’s history. Some of you may know but...

    • Posted March 12, 2010
    • 25
  • Arsenal Rely Too Much on Samir Nasri

    Last night, Samir Nasri gave a glimpse of what Arsenal's post-Fabregas-era might look like.

    • Posted March 10, 2010
    • 66
  • There Is An Air About This Side Now

    . The sense of confidence and belief growing within the side is almost palpable. There is an air about them when they are on the pitch in difficult circumstances during a match. You feel that they will...

    • Posted March 7, 2010
    • 11
  • The Run-In Starts Here

    Despite all the injuries, despite all the big-match losses, despite being written off three times this season, despite never being given a chance at all by many... despite it all, Arsenal still find themselves with a real...

    • Posted March 6, 2010
    • 1
  • Is Arsene Wenger NOT Speaking English?

    A foreigner challenging traditional notions of English football is not going to win many friends in a footballing nation that is a bit xenophobic and a bit stubbornly insular in its thinking about the game. It is...

    • Posted March 2, 2010
    • 30