
Suarez Moving To Arsenal Is “Practically Impossible”, Claims PFA Chief

By on August 9, 2013

Professional Footballers’ Association chief Gordon Taylor has claimed it will be “practically impossible” for Luis Suarez to join Arsenal this month.

Suarez has called in the help of the PFA to try and settle his dispute with Liverpool and force a move this summer with Arsenal the only club to table a formal bid so far this summer.

The 26-year-old made public his desire to leave and join Arsenal earlier this week, accusing Liverpool of reneging on an agreement that he could leave if a club in the Champions League came in with an offer of more than £40m.

The Uruguayan has also threatened to hand in a transfer request and take his case to the Premier League. However, Taylor has warned that it will be practically impossible for any move to be concluded this late in the window. He told the BBC:

“With the transfer window expiring, the difficulties of not only selling him to a competitor but also replacing him makes it practically impossible,” Taylor said.

“I think it really muddies the waters to have buy-out clauses that are supposed to be confidential between employer and employee,”

“Inevitably that gets out. The drafting of such clauses are far from straight forward.

“These are issues we are going to have to raise with the Premier League at our regular discussions.”

Liverpool owner John W Henry has insisted that Suarez will not be sold this summer, also citing that it would be too difficult for them to bring in a replacement this late, so it looks like we’ve got a real battle on our hands to save our summer.

Arsenal’s transfer activity so far has been nothing short of embarrassing and it seems we’ve been putting all our hopes on landing Suarez. If indeed it proves to be ‘impossible’ and we end up without a marquee signing when the window closes, there is almost certainly going to be a sizeable bash-lash from the fans towards the club.

Let’s see how things progress but I’d be majorly surprised if we see Suarez in an Arsenal shirt next season.

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