
Arsene Wenger Offers Update On Transfer Activity

By on January 30, 2014

Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger has given Arsenal.com an update on his transfer plans and while he admits he’s ‘active’ in the market, he claims we’re not close to signing anybody.

There has been a mountain of speculation in recent weeks with newspapers an media outlets linking a whole host of players with a move to the Emirates.

The ‘top targets’ this week have been Mirko Vucinic (which is  now off because he’s decided to stay at Juventus), Cristian Tello at Barcelona, Real Madrid striker Alvaro Morata and of course Julian Draxler of Schalke.

The one most Gooners are waiting to hear about is Draxler as he’d be the most exciting new signing, while he’d also be the only permanent move as the other three are supposedly loan deals.

As ever, Arsene has batted away any questions in his press conference regarding potential targets and now he’s played his cards close to his chest once again by telling the clubs website that although he’s on the look-out for new additions he claims we aren’t close to signing anyone, although hinted that things can change ‘in an hour’:

“Are we active? Yes,” he said. “Are we close to sign anybody? No.

“There’s not long now that’s true. First, the situation was going like always in a transfer market – week by week. In the last two weeks it goes day by day, now it goes hour by hour.

“In any hour anything can happen or change but at the moment, unfortunately, we are not signing anybody.”

Typical Wenger but I just hope he doesn’t make a mess of this window and end up with nothing. There is a feel good factor around the club and we have a great chance to win something this year, and it would be a real shame if that was to change because he failed to bring in any new players this month.

READ: Striker rejects Arsenal move

The fans are desperate for it, the players have called for it, and it’s obvious that we need fresh blood in attack, but the boss is playing a dangerous game once again by leaving it all down to the last day of the window. Let’s hope he can pull it off….