
President Is In London Discussing £9m Striker Deal With Arsenal

By on June 13, 2014

Reports coming out of Spain this evening are claiming that Real Sociedad president Jokin Apperibay is in London discussing an €11m (£9m) deal to buy Arsenal’s remaining rights to striker Carlos Vela.

Vela left Arsenal on a permanent basis two years ago when we sold him to Sociedad for around €3m following an unsuccessful stint in north London.

The Mexican forward has since blossomed in La Liga and scored 21 goals and provided 13 assists last season, which is an excellent return.

His impressive form has led to speculation suggesting we might be ready to exercise our buy-back option which allows us to re-sign the 25-year-old for just €4m.

However, a journalist from Spanish outlet Cadena Ser reported on Friday night on Twitter that the Sociedad president is in London holding talks with Arsenal – not about us re-signing the player – but about the Spaniard’s paying €11m to remove our buy-back clause from his contract.

If Arsene doesn’t feel Vela has developed enough to come back to Arsenal, then it’s certainly a shrewd piece of business to make almost £9m profit from simply removing a buy-back clause that we don’t even want to exercise.

You can see the tweet below….