
Striker Deal Edges Closer As Arsenal Tempt Star With €11.5m Deal

By on June 19, 2014

Arsenal’s move for Mario Balotelli appears to be edging ever closer with widespread reports suggesting we have put together a mammoth contract for the player worth around €11.5m per season.

With Arsene Wenger on the hunt for a top class striker this summer, Balotelli has emerged as the prime candidate with speculation claiming we have opened formal talks with AC Milan and are lining-up a bid worth in the region of £25m-£30m, depending on which newspaper you believe.

The 23-year-old’s agent has also done his best to talk-up a move, calling Arsenal a ‘fantastic club’ and and admitting a deal is possible earlier this week.

Now, reports are claiming that Arsenal’s contract-fixer, Richard Law, has come up with a huge deal for Balotelli worth a staggering €11.5m (£9.3m) per season. The deal works out at around £180,000-a-week but we will make some of that back by demanding a percentage of the strikers image and sponsorship deals.

Obviously it’s the summer and transfer gossip is reaching fever-pitch, but there does appear to be something in these Balotelli rumours. How advanced the deal is remains to be seen as Arsenal are notorious for keeping their cards close to their chest, but judging by the newspapers, we are serious about trying to bring the Italian to the Emirates.

Balotelli is expected to leave AC Milan after receiving racial abuse last season and he wants to return to the Premier League. Milan have little option but to sell due to their financial problems, which have been heightened by the club missing out on Champions League football next season.

He’s certainly a controversial character, in fact he’s a nutter, but he’s also a hugely talented football who would definitely improve our strike-force, so for that reason I’d love to see him join Arsenal. A fee of around £25m seems fair, given the baggage that comes with him, but any potential deal will have to wait until after the World Cup.