
“Alexis Sanchez Move To Liverpool Is Done”

By on June 25, 2014

It appears Arsenal could be set to miss out on one of our key targets after Phil Thomson claimed that Alexis Sanchez to Liverpool is a ‘done deal’.

The former Liverpool captain was speaking on Irish radio station News Talk this morning when he made the claim, saying that he has spoken to people close to the club that say a deal for the 25-year-old is already ‘done’.

Thomson was initially being quizzed by the radio hosts about the Luis Suarez situation when he claimed that the controversial Uruguayan striker is likely to use this latest biting incident as a way to force a move to Spain, before going on to suggest that from what he’s heard the Sanchez deal is already agreed and it could pave the way for a potential swap deal.

You can listen to Thomson’s comment by clicking here. The interesting part is from 29.30 onwards.

Obviously if true the news will be a huge blow as there has been a lot of talk about Sanchez coming to Arsenal in recent days, with reports of Arsene Wenger holding talks with the players agent in Brazil and even speculation suggesting we’ve made an official offer, so Thomson’s revelation would be gutting.

However, as with any transfer, there is a lot of speculation and ‘In The Knows’, and I’m sure if someone else spoke to a ‘source’ over in Spain or London, they would have a completely different take on things.

The likelihood is, Liverpool, Arsenal, Juventus and probably a number of other clubs could have a deal in place with the players agent but that doesn’t mean a transfer is a ‘done deal’. Far from it.

Transfers are so complex and they can break down over the smallest of details, and it’s doubtful Barcelona would have agreed any sale before the end of the World Cup. The way Sanchez is going over in Brazil, Barca may even decide to keep hold of him or failing that, increase his price-tag but about £10m!

So I’m not too worried just yet, there’s plenty of time left and I’m hopeful we can lure Sanchez to the Emirates if he does opt for a move to England this summer.