
Wenger On Falcao, Song, Welbeck, Zigic + Whether He’ll Buy

By on August 28, 2014

Arsene Wenger was quizzed about his transfer plans after Arsenal’s nervy 1-0  win over Besiktas in the Champions League last night.

The media have been linking us with a whole host of strikers after Olivier Giroud was ruled out for four month and understandably it was a hot topic for discussion during his post-match interview.

Speaking to Arsenal.com after the game, the boss was asked about his reported interest in Radamel Falcao, Danny Welbeck and Nikola Zigic, and unsurprisingly, the boss was quick to play down any talk of signing the trio.

Speculation on Wednesday claimed we were lining-up a £20m loan deal for Falcao while some other papers believed we had made contact with Manchester United to enquire about Welbeck’s situation.

The most bizarre rumour was that of Zigic, with the forgotten Serbian strikers agent claiming Arsene had offered the 33-year-old a one-year deal to move to the Emirates and there were reports he was undergoing a medical.

However, while the boss admits he’s ‘open’ to strengthening in all areas of the team, he gave a simple ‘no’ when asked specifically about Falcao, Welbeck and Zigic.

There have also been reports suggesting that Alex Song may be set for a shock comeback as we continue to look for a versatile player who can play at centre-back and in midfield, but Arsene insists the Cameroonian wont be coming back to the Emirates.

He told Arsenal.com:

on whether he has contacted Zigic…

Zigic? No.

on Danny Welbeck…


on whether Falco is in his price range…


On Song…

Alex Song will not be coming back.

on the possibility of buying any more players…

If you want to make everyone happy, you just always buy players. But what is important is the performance on the football pitch and the solidarity we have shown tonight. Having said that, if you look at the players we have on the bench and those who are injured, we have players. I believe you cannot everytime buy when a player is injured.

on a defender or a midfielder being a priority…

We are open for any position as long as we feel that the player can strengthen the squad. Buy to buy, I don’t see the purpose of that. If we find the players who we feel can give something to our squad, we will do it in any position. We are open but it has to be enough to buy. It has to make sense.

Now we’ve secured our place in the group stages of the Champions League, I hope Arsene is going to go out and fill the areas we clearly need to strengthen. Another option up front is desperately needed, along with a world class defensive midfielder who can preferably fill-in at centre-back.

Four days left, money in the bank, over to you Arsenen…..