
Wenger “Deeply Shocked” At How Bad Mesut Ozil’s Injury Is

By on October 16, 2014


Arsene Wenger has admitted he is ‘deeply shocked’ by Mesut Ozil’s injury after revealing that the player felt a ‘crack’ in his knee against Chelsea.

The German FA confirmed that Ozil is facing three months on the sidelines after suffering a partial tear in his left knee ligament during our 2-0 defeat to Chelsea before the international break.

The injury news came as a shock as there were no signs that Ozil was injured during the game, as he completed the ninety minutes at Stamford Bridge.

However, speaking to beIN Sports, Arsene has revealed that Mesut told staff at half time that he was in pain and felt a little ‘crack’ in his knee while playing a routine pass towards the end of the first half.

Surprisingly, we let him carry on playing and the full extent of the injury was then confirmed by the German doctors when he reported for international duty the following day.

Arsene has admitted he was ‘deeply shocked’ when he found out as it’s difficult to believe a player can suffer such an injury playing a simple pass:

‘He had a little problem just before he went out at half-time. He had a little pain with his knee, he felt a crack.

‘I said to our physio to keep an eye on him and if there was anything wrong with him, tell me because when you’re 1-0 down, you want to keep your offensive players on the pitch.

‘I am deeply shocked. He wasn’t involved in a collision with anybody.

‘It was just after making a pass with the outside of his foot that he injured his leg so it’s very hard to believe that you can damage your ligament with just making a simple pass and it’s very difficult to take that he will be out for a while.’ Source: the Daily Mail.

We entertain Hull City this weekend and not for the first time in recent years, we head into the game with a lengthy injury list. However, Arsene insists that the club is not to blame for our injury situation as it’s just a ‘coincidence’ we keep picking up injuries.

‘I am not a great believer in coincidences but this time it really is coincidence.

‘You cannot say our injuries are preparation mistakes. The big injuries we have are really accidental.

‘Scientifically we are quite good. We have been hit hard after seven games. I would never have thought we would have had so many bad injuries.’

Sorry Arsene, but I fail to see how you can put eight years of injuries down to a ‘coincidence’. Especially when you’ve just admitted you let Ozil play on despite knowing he was in pain and felt a ‘crack’ in his knee.

It was negligent to say the least, and now we’re without our record signing until the New Year. I’d say that was a basic error made by the club and who knows how many more of these errors we’ve made over the years.

We overplay Theo over the busy Christmas period last year after he had just returned from injury and guess what….he ruptures his knee ligament. We over play Olivier Giroud because we are short of alternatives up front and guess what…..he fractures his leg.

Some injuries are bad luck but others are avoidable, and there’s no doubt in my mind that some of Arsenal’s injuries could have been avoided had we managed our players better.

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