
Arsenal Trying To Push Through €15m Deal Before This Weekend

By on January 28, 2015

We have an update on the Gabriel Paulista situation with reports suggesting that the Brazilian defender was sent to Paris on Tuesday to get his work permit application rushed through so he can play against Aston Villa on Sunday.

As we reported earlier this week, Gabriel arrived in London first thing Monday morning where he completed his medical tests without issue.

The newspapers then claimed on Monday evening that we had been granted a work permit by the British Home Office, so we all though that official confirmation of the €15m signing was imminent.

However, here we are on Wednesday lunchtime and still no word from Arsenal (at the time of writing!).

Understandably, fans are curious as to what the hold up is and the Mirror believe they have the explanation, as they are reporting that Gabriel was sent over to Paris on Tuesday to push through his work permit application.

Apparently the ‘legal requirements’ and paper work can be completed quicker in France than they can in Britain, and the club want everything wrapped up asap so Gabriel is available to face Aston Villa on Sunday.

I have no idea why France can get a work permit application to work in Britain processed quicker than we can here in England, but supposedly that’s the case, so that sort of explains the delay.

I still don’t see why the club couldn’t just announce the deal ‘pending successful application of a work permit’, but either way let’s hope it’s officially confirmed soon as this is starting to drag. Even by Arsenal’s standards.

Gabriel will have to be registered with the FA by noon on Friday for him to be available for selection against Villa. Surely we can get it done by then?