
Szczesny & Walcott Start: How Arsenal Should Line-Up vs Leicester

By on February 9, 2015

wojciech szczesny arsenal

Arsenal get the chance to bounce back quickly from Saturday’s disappointment as we welcome Leicester City to the Emirates tomorrow. This is how I’d line-up………..

I’ve been calling for Szczesny to be recalled for weeks. I was prepared to give Ospina a chance but Saturday’s display has convinced me that the Colombian isn’t the long-term answer between the sticks.

Yes, he made a couple of decent stops but they were all fairly routine saves. The BIG problem for me was that more often than not when he did make a save he’d palm the ball back into the danger zone. Maybe nerves played their part but it’s a terrible trait for a goalkeeper to have.

I actually feel he was at fault for the first Tottenham goal too as he just flapped the cross straight to Kane at the far stick. He’s fairly short for a keeper and I think this had a negative effect on that occasion. So for me, Szczesny’s learnt his lesson. Now it’s time for him to be recalled.

The defence hardly covered themselves in glory at White Hart Lane either and although he was arguably our best defender on the day, I think we should drop Monreal and give Gibbsy a run-out as he’s not played much in recent weeks.

There is an argument that this would be a good time to hand Gabriel his debut but I think we should wait for Sunday’s FA Cup clash with Middlesbrough, so I’d stick with Per and Kos.

Aaron Ramsey’s poor form continued at the weekend so I’d drop him. I know Arsene Wenger won’t, but I think it’s about time he was left out. Let’s stick Cazorla in a deeper role and play Ozil in the ‘hole’ where we’ll get the best out of him. This isn’t a formation we could use against the big teams, but we should get away with it at home to Leicester.

Walcott should certainly start on the right wing and Sanchez is back in contention after recovering from a hamstring injury. However, I’d only risk Alexis from the start IF he’s 100% fit. Otherwise, stick Welbeck on the left wing.

So this would be my team:

Agree with my team? What would your line-up be?