
Welbeck & Elneny start: My Arsenal XI vs Bayern Munich

By on February 14, 2017

mohamed elneny arsenal 2016

Arsenal take on Bayern Munich at the Allianz Arena in the first leg of our Champions League last-16 clash tomorrow night. This is the team I’d like to see Arsene Wenger go with….

Goalkeeper: Ospina

Wenger confirmed at his press conference a short time ago that Ospina will start ahead of Cech. I’m not totally adverse to the Colombian starting for arguably the most important game of the season as Cech has been poor lately. However, I simply want Wenger to start his first choice keeper tomorrow as that’s how it should be. If Ospina’s that man, then so be it. However, sadly I think we’ll see him drop back to the bench for Premier League games which means Arsene has gone with his No.2 against Bayern.

Defence: Bellerin, Mustafi, Koscielny, Gibbs

The back four almost picks itself as Bellerin is nailed on for the right-back role while Mustafi and Koscielny are clearly our best two centre-backs.

However, the one contentious position is still left-back. Monreal has been Arsene’s first choice for some time but the gap with Gibbs must be closing as I don’t think Nacho has been as consistent this season.

Gibbs started against Hull at the weekend and while I think we’ll see Monreal come back in tomorrow, I’d prefer to see Gibbsy given a run of games.

Midfield: Xhaka, Ox-Chamberlain, Elneny

Wenger’s toughest decision is what to do in midfield. We’ve seen reports suggesting he might drop Ozil or move him out to the wing. I personally don’t think there’s any chance Wenger will leave his most gifted player on the bench but I would like to see him moved out wide.

The chances are, the boss will stick to his usual system with two in the middle and Ozil doing what he wants in the No.10 role but for me we need three in midfield which would see Ozil out on the left.

Xhaka is back from his ban so he has to start and I’d go with Elneny and Oxlade-Chamberlain alongside the Swiss international to offer some protection to the back four.

Elneny will provide endless energy and The Ox has been our best player since moving in to the middle. I have a horrible feeling Wenger is going to stick with Coquelin but for me the midfield has to be Xhaka, Ox and Elneny.

Attack: Ozil, Sanchez, Welbeck

Danny Welbeck

So, with three in midfield we need to move Ozil out to the left. We just can not leave him out for such a big game but the obvious concern is whether he does his bit defensively. Arsene would have to give him strict instructions to track the Bayern full-back.

The other change I’d love to see is Welbeck getting a start. Personally I’d play him up front with Sanchez out on the right but would be just as happy to see them switch throughout the game.

Walcott has been anonymous in recent games while Iwobi’s form has dropped so they would provide useful options from the bench along with Giroud.

This would be my line-up: