
[Tweet] Mesut Ozil picks his ‘most handsome’ Arsenal team mate

By on June 2, 2016

Mesut Ozil has unsurprisingly chosen his BFF Mathieu Flamini as the most handsome player in the Arsenal squad.

Mesut is currently away on international duty with the German squad preparing for this summers European Championships over in France.

However, he’s been taking part in a live Twitter Question & Answer session this afternoon where he’s been asked a whole number of weird and wonderful questions.

Among them was who Ozil thought was the most handsome player in the Arsenal squad and Mesut predictably chose his close friend Flamini.

The pair have enjoyed something of a bromance since Ozil joined the club from Real Madrid in 2013 and are regularly photographed messing about on the training pitch together or even enjoying a hug in the shower-room.

However, the close friendship is set to be broken up as Flamini is expected to leave Arsenal when his contract expires at the end of the month. Let’s hope Mesut can cope in North London without his sidekick.

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