
All posts by mac14

  • Thank You, Arsene

    So, in honour of the Boss's twelve year anniversary and as an Arsenal supporter who had the great luck to start supporting the team just as the Wenger-era was beginning, I would like to thank the man...

    • Posted September 30, 2008
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  • Arsenal vs Hull City Player Ratings

    Arsenal's "Jekyll and Hyde" season continued last night as they floundered against newly promoted Hull City. Credit must be given to City for playing a fantastic match, but what must be more closely scrutinized is the...

    • Posted September 29, 2008
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  • Reflections on Hull City: Where’s the Desire?

    What was the biggest difference between our teenagers' Carling Cup performance on Tuesday and this first-team league match yesterday? One word... desire.

    • Posted September 28, 2008
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  • The Good and Bad Legacy of David Dein

    So what does all this mean? Well, basically, that the club sees Kroenke as its safeguard from Red & White Holdings.

    • Posted September 26, 2008
    • 7
  • Reflections on Sheffield United

    I have spent the last day and a half reading numerous articles full of plaudits for Arsenal’s “youngsters” after their absolute demolition and dismantling of a Sheffield United side that is just a little over 16 months...

    • Posted September 25, 2008
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  • Arsenal vs. Sheffield United Player Ratings

    Arsenal fully demolished a sub-par Sheffield United side this evening as Arsene Wenger fielded the club’s youngest side ever. It was quickly apparent that age mattered little in this affair as the teenage Gunners effortlessly put six...

    • Posted September 24, 2008
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  • Fuck Platini!

    " obvious and shameless contradictory statements and behavior belie his, and Blatter's, true agenda, which is to restore Spain or Italy to the top of the European football heap, while encouraging increased spending by the clubs, whether...

    • Posted September 23, 2008
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  • Reflections on Bolton (and Lazy Pundits)

    It's the end of a very good week for Arsenal Football Club. Faced with three historically-challenging away trips in 8 days, Arsenal have come through with two wins and a draw. The last of the...

    • Posted September 22, 2008
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  • Bolton vs Arsenal Player Ratings

    "Out of the ashes of Flamini has risen the young Brazilian, Denilson. Many questioned whether he would be able to fill the void, and, after a few sub-par games earlier in the season, the young man...

    • Posted September 21, 2008
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  • Reflections on Kyiv

    So, should Arsenal feel aggrieved that they held the most possession, created the most chances, and went behind on a dodgy penalty? Of course we should, but it's become such a common scenario in recent years...

    • Posted September 20, 2008
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