
All posts tagged "Arsenal"

  • Ugh!!!

    That just about sums up my Sunday. Thank God my three-year old, Lucien, all decked out in his full home kit to watch Arsenal with his dad, doesn’t yet realize that football is game in...

    • Posted November 30, 2009
    • 15
  • Up to Standard?

    Tuesday evening brought us one of the strangest matches this supporter has seen in a long time. Arsenal completely dominated the entire match yet they won only 2-nil and Standard Liege hit the post twice....

    • Posted November 26, 2009
    • 9
  • Still Paying the Price for the International Break

    There's really no sense in dwelling on this match. Sunderland is a solid side this season that drew at United and beat Liverpool. Almost our entire side had been away from the club for two weeks on...

    • Posted November 23, 2009
    • 2
  • Is the British Football Media Serious?

    Thank God, it’s over! This was truly the interlull from hell. Not only was our best current player injured for almost two months, but our best former player has been branded “a cheat” and “a liar.” I...

    • Posted November 20, 2009
    • 32
  • It’s Not Quite As Bad As It Seems

    While the injury to Robin van Persie was disturbing news this past weekend, let’s try not to go overboard. Posts on message boards and the like have been raging about how our season is over, etc., etc.,...

    • Posted November 17, 2009
    • 9
  • Cesc Fabregas’ Secret Weapon

    Our regular Guest Contributor, Ted Harwood, takes a look at Cesc Fabregas’ secret weapon, Alex Song, and his emergence this season as one of the best defensive midfielders in the Premier League. Song’s form is directly related...

    • Posted November 16, 2009
    • 13
  • Robin van Persie Stretchered Off In Friendly (Video)

    The interlull curse strikes again.

    • Posted November 14, 2009
    • 28
  • Big 6? More Like “Big 3”

    While most Arsenal bloggers are taking this opportunity to look back at Arsenal's season-so-far, and Arsenal Station will likely do that as well over this break, I'd like to say a few brief words about the Premier-League-so-far.

    • Posted November 13, 2009
    • 21
  • Arsenal Are Just Never Good Enough

    What I am saying is that any criticism made of Arsenal at this point surely applies, if not more so, to Chelsea and United.

    • Posted November 11, 2009
    • 37
  • The Intentions of Stan Kroenke

    Arsenal are in great shape both on the pitch and off and a smart businessman doesn't try to fix what ain't broke.

    • Posted November 10, 2009
    • 21